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Do you have a fire evacuation plan in place to keep you and your pets safe? Fires can move quickly, there may be little notice before you need to evacuate. Sometimes pets are left behind as owners are unable to get to them, due to road closures. What can you do to keep your pets safe in this situation? 1. Make sure your pets are microchipped. 2. Make sure they are wearing a collar and I.D tags with current contact phone numbers. 3. Have crates ready to load pets. 4. Have a go bag packed. This should contain a food and water bowl. A few days worth of food, and fresh water. Pack a toy, lead, blanket, litter tray and litter if you have a cat. 5. If your pet is on medication make sure you have a few days worth packed. 6. Know where you will go, friends, family or rental. Have all these things ready to grab at a moments notice in an evacuation. Stay safe!

For anyone requiring emergency housing for fur babies affected by the bush fires please contact the clinic on 5445 5288 and we will direct you to some of the many options available. Thank you to all the wonderful clients who have put their hand up to help out!

The danger is not over please stay vigilant to keep both you and your pets safe!

If you find any animal that has been injured in the fires seek veterinary attention immediately. Like humans, animals can suffer respiratory distress from smoke inhalation. If you find a stray animal bring them to the clinic for assessment / treatment and we will try an reunite them with their owners. If you need emergency care for your pet who has been evacuated contact the clinic on 5445 5288.

We are hoping you and your pets stay safe.

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